Wednesday, May 17, 2017

New Parent Tip Of The Week

This week's tip is - BE CONSISTENT

     Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. Being wishy-washy only brings about confusion and temper tantrums. If there are special circumstances, they need to be explained BEFORE permission is granted. When consistency is not used, older children think that if they keep asking you'll eventually say yes. For toddlers and young children, they bring out the big guns - temper tantrums. They think if they cry long enough and loud enough you'll give in.

     Be prepared to leave restaurants, parties, outdoor activities and other functions early. Children will choose to wait until you're in a public place to get your consent on something you've already told them they cant have or do. If you give in once or twice to save yourself the embarrassment of people staring at you and giving you angry or sympathetic looks, your child will notice and repeat this pattern over and over again. What YOU must realize is, You are their parent and it is YOUR responsibility to raise YOUR children according to YOUR standards, not the people staring at you. If your children see you giving in to "peer pressure", what message is that sending to them? They may not want to do what you say but they will repeat your actions.

     By being consistent, your child knows what to expect from you and you from them. It will help you to avoid embarrassing moments in public and enjoy the activities you're engaged in.

Angela Johnson Sutherland

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